Monday 17 February 2025

From the archive of Abdelrahim Ali

Qatar deemed den of snakes

Abdelrehim Aly

Doha spearheaded the war on Egypt, not only against our national project, but against the Arab project of independence from the American hegemony, which wants to bleed the body of the nation by tearing it into small, fragmented states in favor of Washington.

Doha saw the Brotherhood as an organization whose supporters increased exponentially at the regional and global levels, and therefore it wanted to exploit them for the illusions of regional leadership.

It became clear that there is a strong strategy in the medium and long term to dismantle each of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, after it was confirmed that it is unable to fill the Egyptian vacuum at the regional and international levels.

Qatar's unwavering commitment to supporting the Brotherhood has become so understandable that, in order to realize its ambitions in the region, it has jeopardized its relationship with the Gulf states.

Despite Qatar's scandalous stances for financing political Islam currents, extremist groups, and terrorists from all sides, and international criticism of it, it continues to support and fund terrorism.

Intelligence reports published by the Wall Street Journal revealed that Qatar’s plan is to support the Brotherhood in order to transfer their activities to Egyptian universities, and transfer funds to them through Qatari students studying in Cairo.

In the same report, it was reported that large sums of funds for charitable institutions and social networking sites in Qatar were tracked, to support extremists in Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Libya.

The American newspaper quoted David Cohen, a senior official in the Counter-Terrorism Unit in the US Treasury Department, as saying, “This Qatari funding is for jihadist groups that are linked to Al-Qaeda.”

According to the 2015 country reports on terrorism, the State Department stated, ``Entities and individuals within Qatar continue to serve as a source of financial support for terrorists and violent extremist groups, particularly regional al-Qaeda affiliates such as the Nusra front.''

There is no excuse for openly harboring terrorist and supporting groups that seek to harm our allies, and the excuse by Qatar that it is harboring these nefarious actors is because the U.S. asked them to no longer stands up.

Qatar has sent hundreds of millions of dollars into the Gaza strip, provides safe haven in Doha for Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal, and helped legitimize Hamas rule in 2012 when the Emir became the first international leader to visit Hamas-led territory.

Qatar has also supported other dangerous groups in the region, including sending advanced weaponry and financing to extremist elements in Syria and Libya, and Al Jazeera has given voice to clerics calling for suicide attacks against Americans and Israelis.

Al-Qaeda attacked all the countries of the region without this statelet “Qatar” even though it has the largest US military base .. it is allied with Israel and does not apply Sharia in the sense of the leaders of this extremist organization.

From these perspectives, it cannot be hidden from the observers that the relationship between Qatar and Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization, is large and intertwined. Al-Jazeera broadcasts all audio-visual videos of Al-Qaeda symbols, from Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Algeria, which means that there is close cooperation between the terrorist organization and the media organization.

Qatari political activist Saad Mohammed Al-Nuaimi has evidence for the existence of a secret relationship between Qatar and Al-Qaeda, where Al-Nuaimi mentioned that the bodyguards of the Emir of Qatar are Afghan Arabs, whom he brought in himself to be strong against his enemies, then to spy on them, know their news and capture their directions.

Al-Nuaimi was not the only one who acknowledged and confirmed the occurrence of this relationship and how the evil of the affliction in the Arab region is due to Qatar.

In 2005, the Sunday Times newspaper, in its issue dated May 1, 2005, dealt with Qatar's relationship with bin Laden, stressing that large financial support, estimated at tens of millions of dollars, is still being provided by the Emirate of Qatar, through intermediaries of businessmen affiliated with current trends.

Islamic or fundamentalist clerics close to Al-Qaeda, in order to finance Al-Zarqawi’s operations in Iraq, sometimes by facilitating financial transfers under the pretext of donations or zakat.

According to the same official, who told "The Sunday Times", "Al-Qaeda" did not require financial and media support only, but also Qatar's willingness to host extremists from the organization and provide them with protection and not to be exposed to them.