From the archive of Abdelrahim Ali
Grand conspiracy

When President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi asked the media to help unify the home front, stressing that this is the only way to defeat what is being planned for Egypt, he knew that the scale of the conspiracy against the Egyptians is very large. Although the June 30 revolution stopped the advance towards the division of Egypt, which the Brotherhood was completely involved in, the American administration, the sponsor of the project, returned once again to revive the scheme, as it wants to divide the region according to its whim. It had already started in Libya, Iraq and Syria and was trying in Saudi Arabia, and it was placing Egypt at the end on the grounds that it was the biggest prize.
But why is the United States so diligently planning to divide Egypt? What is the harm for Egypt to remain united? Rather, what would harm it for the other Arab countries to maintain their unity and strength?
The answer to this question puts our hands on the full picture, an answer that must take us back to the year 1973, when the Egyptian armed forces defeated Israel in a war that was the most honorable in the modern history of Egypt.
At the time, the American administration established that Israel was not protected, and that at any moment it could be erased from existence. The victory achieved by the Egyptian army could be repeated, and in the case of the union of the Arab armies, Israel could become just a memory, which Washington could not allow at all. So the plan began, based on the disintegration of the Arab countries from the inside so that there would be no large Arab state, and therefore there would never be an Arab army that could consolidate its strength in the region and be the reason for the demise of Israel.
The United States had reached the climax of its dream with the Arab Spring revolutions, the revolutions on which the Brotherhood rode and turned them into a means through which to reach power, as Washington reached an agreement with the Brotherhood to implement the partition plan. This was revealed by Global Research in a research paper published on June 28, in which it indicated that the administration of Barak Obama had followed a policy of covert support for the Brotherhood and other rebel movements in the Middle East since 2010.
The center revealed an important document entitled “The Middle East Partnership Initiative: An Overview”, which defined the sophisticated structure of the State Department programs aimed at building civil society organizations, especially NGOs, to change the internal policy of the target countries in favor of American foreign policy and national security objectives. The document also indicated that the Obama administration undertook a proactive campaign to change regimes throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
The document revealed that the initiative works primarily with civil society, through influential non-governmental organizations based in the United States and in the region, and that it confirms that the priority in early 2010 was given to Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Egypt and Bahrain, and within a year of its establishment, Libya and Syria were added on the list of countries with the highest priority for civil society intervention.
America's fingers are still playing in the region. It stopped a little after the June 30 revolution, which ended the partition project from its foundation, and then began working to return the Islamist genie to its bottle, but now the American administration is rearranging its cards and resuming the implementation of the scheme again.
We are facing a major conspiracy in which many parties participate, sponsored by the United States for the sake of Israel, to which it contributes diligently because it secures its future not only in politics but also in existence. In addition to the United States, the European Union seeks to support its many interests in the region, and the European Union means that we are facing a confrontation with British, French and German intelligence. Also, the international organization of the Brotherhood entered the line, which dreams of a state, even if only an inch of water, and then comes Turkey, which wants to pay the dowry of its accession to the European Union at any price. Meanwhile, Qatar dreams of having an influential role in the region at the expense of Egypt. All these conspirators gathered in the region for its fragmentation, and each of them has a role that they cannot deny, and if they deny it, we are on the lookout for them.
After the June 30 revolution, there was a ruling disagreement between the US Congress on the one hand and the security and sovereign agencies and the White House on the other hand over the way to deal with Cairo.
The main question was: Shall we continue with the plan prepared for dividing Egypt, which began to be worked on since the October 1973 war and fresh blood was paid in it beginning in 2004 through the theory of creative chaos and the war of societies, or do we accept the fait accompli and start dealing with Sisi, especially after his election as a head of state in the region?
American intelligence reports described Sisi as being similar to Gamal Abdel Nasser, but in the end he is very realistic, as he learned from the United States, indicating that it is possible to reach an understanding with him and strengthen him so that the region does not completely spiral out of control and new wars occur that Washington does not need now, especially since it exited as a wounded lion from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
There was a hesitation in the American position, but the Jews acted at the right time, as the officials of the ten largest American banks - all of them Jews - met then-President Obama, carrying with them a message from then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, explaining the matter in the Middle East, specifically Egypt, and they resolved to go again on the path of implementing the old plan.
They told Obama that they did not want to waste the efforts of more than 41 years of work in the plan that began in 1973, saying that there is an accumulation that cannot be ignored.
The plan to divide the region was similar to the old Sykes-Picot plan, but the new plan had comparative advantages. The old plan, according to which the division and demarcation of the borders of the region was carried out in light of the post-World War II tension, the nerves were tight and the differences sharp, but now the relations between the Americans and the EU countries are strong and there is a state of harmony. Therefore, the time is very appropriate to re-demarcate the area as agreed.
The new Sykes-Picot began in 1973, after the defeat of Israel. The United States began studying this war and wondered why the Egyptians won, and what if the war continued to be managed in this way.
Here, the triangle theory appeared, which was based on that if there is an event that angers the American people, it is necessary to search for an enemy so that the people will pressure the government, then the government will move its forces to make victories, so the people will salute them and the government will continue to support them, and the relationship between the three parties - the government, the people and the forces – will continue all the time.
This relationship required an enemy, and the ready enemy was the Soviet Union.
Immediately, the American intelligence recruited Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev, a recruitment that took place in a submarine in the ocean off the coast of England, appearing in the literature of international intelligence with the phrase “Our man is in the water.” Gorbachev's mission was to dissolve the Soviet Union countries, which is what actually happened.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the idea of a clash of civilizations emerged, and it was based on the fact that there are civilizations that can remain, civilizations that can shrink, and civilizations that must end forever.
The civilization that was destined to survive was the American-European civilization, while the civilization that was destined to shrink was the Indian civilization, and the Islamic civilization remained the new enemy, which carried the color of green after the red enemy was eliminated.
The plan was clear
The United States worked to bring danger to its own land. Al-Qaeda entered it with its knowledge, carried out the events of September 11, 2001, after which the United States declared a war in Afghanistan in preparation for reaching the region, and indeed it then reached Iraq, overthrew its regime and demobilized its army, and now you see it disintegrating. It had paved the way for this early when it built US bases in the countries of the region, specifically in Qatar, Kuwait and the Atlantic Ocean.
America lost a lot in the war, and therefore, beginning in 2004, a new theory of wars emerged, the general philosophy of which was creative chaos, the cursed theory launched by then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
This theory is based on the need to break up states through a new theory of war, which is the war of societies, where society is eliminated from within, without the need for external intervention.
In 2004, the regime of Hosni Mubarak was monitoring well what was happening. Security and intelligence reports came to him about American moves, but the regime did not move, underestimating what was coming to him, perhaps believing that he could never be sacrificed because he provided great services to the Americans, without knowing that the supreme interest of the Americans exceeded Mubarak and his regime and all the agents present in the region. This may be the reason why what happened in January was a surprise to Mubarak and his regime, even though he knew that the matter was prepared before.
The map of the division of the region was completely ready, and it was published by the New York Times in December 2013, through which we can learn the following:
As for Iraq, in the simplest of the many expected possibilities, the Kurds of the north will join the Kurds of Syria, and many of the central areas controlled by the Sunnis will join the Sunni areas of Syria, and the south will turn into Shiites. Of course, the possibilities of violence and the blood associated with these actions are certain and wide.
As for Yemen, the map says that it is possible for the poorest Arab country to split for a second time into two regions after the possible referendum that will be carried out in South Yemen on independence. In a more powerful detour, Yemen could become all or part of the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a whole, if not all of it extending from the sea, and then direct access to the Arabian Sea will reduce dependence on the Arabian Gulf, as well as reduce Iran's ability to close the Strait of Hormuz.
We come to Syria, where the starting point for sectarian and tribal rivalries can lead to the division of Syria into at least three parts.
The first: the Alawites, a minority that has ruled Syria for decades and controls the coastal strip.
The second: Syrian Kurdistan can secede and eventually merge with the Kurds of Iraq.
The third: the Sunni central region will follow this division and may include areas in Iraq to form the so-called state of Sunnistan.
In the disintegrated Libya, the matter is very clear. As a result of the strong tribal and regional competition, Libya can be divided into two historical parts, the state of Tripoli and the state of Barca, with the possibility of the presence of the third state of Fezzan in southwestern Libya.
In the end, the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia comes, and the information here is clear. In the long run, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia faces internal divisions that are now under control, which may appear on the surface with the transfer of power to the next generation of princes. Increasing the threats to the Kingdom’s unity are tribal differences, the Sunni-Shiite divide and economic challenges. Saudi Arabia could be divided into five regions before the emergence of the modern state.
In this map, Egypt remained without division, because the Western planner was and still deals with Egypt as the grand prize, the spoiled country that will be the biggest win, although what is meant by Egypt is very clear. They are looking for an Islamic emirate that includes the Sinai Desert and the Delta, and a Christian state in Upper Egypt, then a Nubian state.
This plan is being worked on by six parties, each of which has its clear goals: the Americans (the sponsors of the plan), Israel (which will be the pivotal and most important country in the region, controlling weak and fragmented countries without armies), the European Union (with its major English, French and German intelligence, Turkey (which dreams of entering the European Union in any way and considers its participation in the plan as the price for obtaining this membership), Qatar (which wants to turn into a leader state despite its small size), and the international Brotherhood organization (which dreams of a state on any inch of Arab land). Each of these parties has a specific role, which we will discuss in detail later.
After June 30, it seemed to the intelligence services of the major countries that Egypt, with its apparatus, revealed the plan that is being sought to be implemented. Therefore, these agencies leaked a dangerous report in August 2013 telling the Egyptian state that the plan is on its way and that there is no retreat from it.
This report was of a secret meeting that took place between the intelligence services of five countries (the CIA, Israeli intelligence, British intelligence, the French Ministry of Defense and the NATO Operations Room) between August 16 and 18, 2013 at the American base in Darmstadt, Germany.
The participants in this meeting considered that the presence of a stable regime in Egypt that is not subject to the control of the West reflects risks to the current Islamic regime in Turkey, and therefore the Iraqi and Syrian model of death squads should be implemented in Egypt to make it suffer a state of political and economic paralysis. The victims of death squads in Iraq and Syria are about 6,000 per month, and this number could double to reach 12,000 victims per month in Egypt along the Sinai and Upper and Lower Egypt, so that the impact of the Egyptian revolution on the countries of the region would be eliminated.
When this report was published, many lied, considering that it is difficult to leak such dangerous documents. However, it is certain that these agencies leaked the reports to get the message to Cairo that they are continuing to implement their plan, in which they are now using ISIS in addition to the terrorist Brotherhood and its allies.
As for how ISIS is used to implement the plan to divide Egypt and the region, this is another story worth waiting for in the near future.