Tuesday 22 October 2024

From the archive of Abdelrahim Ali

The Iranian lesson and Egypt’s role over regional leadership

Abdelrehim Aly

US President Barack Obama announced last Monday that there are "fundamental differences" with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the issue of nuclear negotiations with Iran, as well as on the issue of imposing new sanctions on Tehran.

He stressed the on the agreement between Washington, Britain and Germany, and the futility of disturbing the atmosphere of negotiations a month or two before their completion. This was exactly what Obama informed His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Saudi monarch, during his visit to offer condolences.

“The security and stability of the Gulf is an important part of the Iranian-American negotiations, and the United States cannot sacrifice its historical and strategic relations with the Gulf states, especially Saudi Arabia, in the framework of the Iranian-American negotiations,” Obama said.

“The absolute rejection of any Gulf-Iranian negotiations is not in the interest of the Gulf states. Iran is a reality that must be dealt with, in accordance with the laws, international relations and the sovereignty of each party without interfering in the affairs of the other party,” he added.

Obama is determined to take this file to its end, despite all the obstacles that Israel places before him, especially in Congress.

The whole situation summoned me to re-hear a call I had broadcast on the "Black Box" program between Obama's personal security envoy and Dr. Mohamed El-Baradei, in March 2011.

El-Baradei and Dan were talking about the situation in Egypt and the rearrangement of the region's cards in the event that El-Baradei turns into a major player, as it was believed at the time that he was close to the position of President of the Republic in Egypt.

El-Baradei said to Dan, that he thinks this is the right time to get Iran into the game, because the region is currently about to explode in many ways, so the US has to take Iran and Turkey on its side for different reasons.

El-Baradei then suggested the possibility of him playing a role in this context through his close relationship with Ali Salehi, the former Iranian foreign minister and the current head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization, by conveying the ideas of the Americans to him as his own.

In his call, ElBaradei stressed that the Iranians may be an important source of stability, at least in Afghanistan and Iraq. Dan said, “This is good, also I can merge the two topics for the US became very close with the rulers of Turkey, in reference to Recep Tayyip Erdogan.”

The Iranians have begun their nuclear project and set them on the leadership of the region, or say the removal of US Western recognition, as Iran is the undisputed power of the region.

Turkey came out of the competition after its quest to join the European Union, and Israel emerged as an entity that no one would accept as a leader in the region, so Egypt and Iran remained in the game. Egypt relied, as usual, on the geographical center and the regional weight, and resigned itself to being the scale of balance, the ally of the Americans, and the leader of the Arabs, and Iran remained struggling alone to reach the goal.

After the rejection by the administration of former US President George W. Bush of the Iranian offer made by the government of former President Mohammad Khatami in the fall of 2003, which included Tehran's willingness to negotiate directly with Washington, Iran knew that the Iraqi card is the only lifeline for it to reach its goal, so it has been extending its hand since before the occupation of Iraq to intertwine with all the cards of the game in Baghdad.

From a political point of view, Tehran was aware that most of the main opponents, who participated in the 2002 London Conference, were loyal to it, led by the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution, which was based in Tehran.

On the other hand, it began exploiting the fall of Taliban and the old ties that link the Revolutionary Guards with the leaders of a number of the most important terrorist organizations, which were present on Afghan soil, to weave more special threads with them, to be used later in the Afghan and Iraqi arenas.

Thus, all the heat was concentrated in Iraq and Afghanistan, by the hands of Tehran. Although this message reached Washington from more than one mediator, however, the US administration was reluctant to take a position on it.

Until the year 2006 came and the security situation began to collapse completely in Iraq. Washington reached a full conviction that achieving any success in Iraq could not come without Iranian cooperation, so a new page was immediately opened in the US-Iranian relations, at that time.

This page extended to include topics other than the Iraqi arena, including Lebanon, the weapons of Hezbollah and Hamas, its position on the issue of settlement and direct negotiations with Israel, Afghanistan, and Taliban.

At that time, plans were in full swing to penetrate the Arab region, through the Brotherhood's Trojan Horse, in an attempt to re-divide it and fragment its armies, to go in line with the new situation of the region's policeman, or the American High Commissioner (formerly Tehran).

Until we reached the so-called "Arab Spring", which began in Tunisia, and its repercussions have not yet stopped in most Arab countries.

Now that the game is reaching its limits, will the visit of Russian President Putin and Egypt's options be the beginning of blocking the path to the inauguration ceremony that America intends to do next April for Iran?

Is Egypt doing what it must do internally and externally to stop this blatant aggression against its historical role and its regional position in the region? This is what we will answer next week.