Monday 17 February 2025

From the archive of Abdelrahim Ali

Arranging priorities: Most important message to President Sisi on National Police Day

Abdelrehim Aly

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, through his speech on the occasion of the celebration of the 66th anniversary of the Egyptian police, sent several clear and powerful messages, not only to the Egyptians, but to the whole world.

The most important of these messages was what the president said about the price that Egypt pays, in terms of pure blood, martyrs, widows and orphans, not only to protect its national security, but also for the stability of the entire region, as well as Europe and the world.

The president talked about arranging the order of priorities in a country that emerged from two successive revolutions with a collapsed economy and a declared war against transnational parties and organizations aimed at bringing the country to its knees and undermining its stability. Sisi gave, for example, press and media campaigns that talk about the protest law, while forty million Egyptians or more live below the poverty line, and the president asked, “Where are the rights of our people?”

The president was speaking from his heart, surrounded by the sons of the martyrs, those who paid their blood for our freedom. His eyes were on what is happening in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Iraq, as he spoke, almost groping for situations that were planned to take place here in Egypt.

The president asked the media and artists to help communicate the message, modify behavior, correct the methodology, and clarify the extent of the conspiracy and the danger.

The president knows that the size of the conspiracy against Egypt and the Egyptians, and the region as a whole, is very large, and he tries with all his energy to explain this to people on every occasion he speaks to them. Although the June 30 revolution stopped the march towards the division of Egypt, the conspiracy in which the terrorist Brotherhood was implicated to its ears, some of the parties that planned and sponsored the project returned to revive it again. The partition process has already begun in Libya, Iraq and Syria, and now they are trying to destabilize Yemen with the intent of influencing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These powers considered Egypt the ultimate prize, which could wait until after the entire region was redrawn.

But the question remains: Why are some parties in the West planning so diligently to divide Egypt? What is the harm for Egypt to remain united? Rather, what harm would it be if the other Arab countries would maintain their unity and strength?

The answer to this question puts our hands on the full picture, an answer that must take us back to 1973, when the Egyptian armed forces defeated Israel in a war that is the most honorable in Egypt's modern history.

On that day, it became established for those parties that Israel is not safe from danger and that at any moment it could be exposed to an existential danger. The victory achieved by the Egyptian army could be repeated, and in the case of the union of Arab armies, Israel could become a mere memory, which these parties could not allow at all.

The scheme was based on the fragmentation of the Arab states from within, so that there would be no large Arab state, and therefore there would be no Arab army that could consolidate its strength in the region or cause a “deterrence” to the expansionist projects of the Zionist state.

Those parties had reached the climax of their dream after the outbreak of the Arab Spring revolutions that were installed by the terrorist Brotherhood, which these parties considered the Trojan horse on which they would rely to redraw the region again.

These parties reached an agreement with the terrorist Brotherhood, according to which the partition plan would be implemented, which was revealed by Global Research Center in a research paper published on June 28, 2014, in which it indicated that the Barack Obama administration followed a policy of covert support for the Brotherhood and other rebel movements in Middle East since 2010.

Global Research revealed an important document issued by the US State Department, entitled “The Partnership Initiative in the Middle East”. Through it, it identified an advanced structure of the department’s programs aimed at building civil society organizations, especially non-governmental organizations, with the aim of changing the internal policy of the targeted countries in favor of American foreign policy and the goals of American national security. The document also indicates that the Obama administration undertook a proactive campaign to change regimes throughout the Middle East and North Africa region.

The document revealed that the initiative works primarily with civil society, through influential non-governmental organizations based in the United States and in the region, and stresses that priority was given in early 2010 to Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Egypt and Bahrain, and within a year of the initiative, Libya and Syria were added are on the list of countries with the highest priority for civil society intervention.

The fingers of those limbs are still playing in the area then! It stopped a little after the June 30 revolution, which postponed the project to re-divide the region for a while, but they are now rearranging their cards to resume the implementation of the plan again.

What is happening in Yemen and on our western borders in Libya is not far from what we are referring to and the president is referring to. We are facing a major conspiracy involving many parties for the sake of Israel. It is an open confrontation with a number of the most important and most dangerous intelligence services in the world, in addition to the international organization of the terrorist Brotherhood and its allies, the aim of which is to bring Egypt to its knees and humiliate it in response to what this great people and their army did on June 30, 2013, when it came out to announce the demolition of the pillars of the conspiracy and the dream of re-dividing the area was thrown into the sea. Shall we leave the main battle and go to secondary battles that only increase our weakness and humiliation against our enemies? I firmly believe that these were - and still are - the most important messages of President Sisi at this stage, until further notice.