From the archive of Abdelrahim Ali
No reconciliation with terrorist Muslim Brotherhood

There is a lot of talk these days, and tones have been raised about a so-called “reconciliation” with the terrorist group called the Muslim Brotherhood.
Some newspapers have given us information about meetings and mediations taking place here and there, however, all of this will be in vain.
Because the Egyptian people made their choice, and put the group in its natural place as a terrorist group that has no political place on the guarded land of Egypt.
The terrorist organization based its plan, from the first moment, the moment their regime fell, on this option, the option of reconciliation and the sharing of power.
Attempts, whether internally or externally, to support this project did not stop.
Huge pressures were exerted on the government and a number of Arab countries to push that direction, the latest of which was carried by US President Barack Obama during his visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Obama clearly indicated, speaking about the experience of the 2012 presidential elections and what resulted from the arrival of a Brotherhood president to power in Egypt.
The strange thing is that Obama deliberately ignored the Egyptian people's revolution on June 30, and what happened throughout the entire year due to the terrorist group's rule.
Addressing the new Saudi leadership, Obama said that whatever the results of democracy, in another reference to the 2012 elections, it must be respected, as it is the key to resolving all crises.
Obama came out with a logical result of the US administration's vision, which is the need to open an Egyptian-Egyptian dialogue to get out of this impasse. It is strange that Obama's calls were followed by many voices, the US administration had contacted them secretly recently.
Obama clearly asked the Saudi side to help the American effort in this regard, warning against the Gulf countries slipping - as he put it - into the equations of providing support to one party and confrontation with another.
None of the attendees commented on what Obama said, which made the American side explain this silence, that the Saudis agreed with the point of view put forward by the American president.
It should be noted, here, that some of those who adopted this interpretation based on previous conversations, which were conducted by Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, the current Crown Prince, when he was Minister of the Interior, during his visit to Washington on December 12, 2014 as he said Saudi Arabia refrains from interfering with the tense arenas, whether in (Syria, Iraq, Yemen, or Egypt).
The American position regarding Egypt was clear, which is to stop Saudi Arabia’s support for the Egyptian regime, and for the Kingdom to support Washington’s position seeking to find an internal settlement in Egypt through which the Brotherhood returns to the Egyptian political scene.
That was the main objective of Obama's visit to Riyadh, blocking the way for any victory of the Egyptian will, against the American Western scheme, which aims to divide the region.
The Saudis informed the Egyptians that there had been absolutely no change in the Saudi position regarding support for the Egyptian regime, and that “our position was clear and explicit, which is that we support everything that the Egyptians accept, and that we cannot adopt a position that the Egyptian leadership rejects.”
When you go to reconciliation with vampires, you must return to these orphans their fathers, to these mourning women their husbands, to those mothers and fathers their children, the light of their eyes.
I know that no one in Egypt can agree to the reconciliation, except for the like-minded men and agents of the terrorist group, who refused but to revolve around Washington and its allies, the Turks and the Qataris.