Tuesday 22 October 2024

From the archive of Abdelrahim Ali

Abdel Rahim Ali: Egypt and UAE seek to establish democratic life

Abdelrehim Aly

Dr. Abdel Rahim Ali, political thinker and head of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies in Paris (CEMO), confirmed that the West had tried the poisoned ideas of the Brotherhood, saying, “When we, in our countries, in Egypt and the UAE, establish a modern civil democratic life, these terrorists come to you and cry, and you stand with them.”

During the center’s “Human Rights: Islamists' Weapon to Manipulate Democracy” symposium on Saturday, February 20, Ali said that late ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi “tried to control the capabilities of the people and disrupt the constitution.

When the great Egyptian people revolted to preserve their identity, which extends throughout history for 7,000 years – the Egypt of Al-Azhar, the Egypt of Naguib Mahfouz – you said that there was a military coup, and then you embraced the Islamists again, who claimed that we are establishing a dictatorial regime because we saved the region from their danger.”

The seminar is titled "Human Rights: Islamists' Weapon in Democracy Abuse".

It is held against the background of exploitation by Islamists of human rights to serve their own agendas.

The seminar is moderated by CEMO Executive Director Ahmed Youssef. Other speakers include French Senator Valerie Bouillier, and French writers Yves Thréard and Roland Lombardi.