Brotherhood in new cyber campaign against Ali

The Muslim Brotherhood has never ceased its attacks against Abdel Rahim Ali, the director of the Center for Middle East Studies in Paris.
The Islamist movement lives in eternal fear from the efforts Ali makes in the fight against extremism which is a basic feature of the thinking of this movement.
Cyber attacks
The Brotherhood encourages its cyberspace activists to attack Ali, within a systematic campaign against those who defend Egypt, especially those specialized in political Islam.
Ali keeps uncovering the lies and deceit of the Muslim Brotherhood everywhere in the world, especially in Europe.
New failed bid
The Brotherhood tried to attack Ali yet again by broadcasting a fabricated phone conversation, alleging attacks by the man against state institutions.
It claimed that the man speaking in the conversation is Ali and that the conversation was recorded on the sidelines of the Black Box program Ali used to present on the al-Qahera Wal Nas TV channel.
The movement's lies were very easy to uncover this time. Ali revealed that the cyber activists of the Islamist group had used an application that fakes the voices of politicians.
Ali noted that the Muslim Brotherhood chose to air the doctored conversation only a day before the first phase of the elections of the House of Deputies, in which he is running as an independent candidate.
Strong message
Ali posted a video to his Facebook account, in which he belied the Muslim Brotherhood rhetoric.
He said the Brotherhood claims that he had used a specific application to fake the voices of its leaders within the leaked audios he used in his program.
However, Ali showed that the application mentioned by the Brotherhood was only invented in 2018.
The surprising thing, he said, is that the program stopped in 2016, whereas the application was invented in 2018 only.
Reasons behind attacks
Ali unveiled the lies of the Muslim Brotherhood several times in the past. He unveiled the bloody nature of this movement.
Ali also succeeded in uncovering links between the Brotherhood and other terrorist organizations, such as ISIS and al-Qaeda.
He alerted European governments to the danger posed by the Muslim Brotherhood in their countries.
The efforts Ali made in Paris had reverberated across the whole of Europe. This was why some European states changed their policies towards the Muslim Brotherhood.