Monday 17 February 2025

From the archive of Abdelrahim Ali

The secret files of the Muslim Brotherhood: Episode 13

Abdelrehim Aly

After the assassination of the late President Anwar Sadat, President Hosny Mubarak came to power to open a new slate with the Muslim Brotherhood.

For more than ten years, the Brotherhood kept on penetrating into civil society in Egypt through parties, the Parliament and unions, until no civilian institution in Egypt remained clear of Brotherhood members and affiliates.

In September 1991, leaders of the international organization met in Istanbul, Turkey and that is when Mustafa Mashhour proposed that the Guidance Bureau should begin reassessing the latest stage of the life of the Brotherhood, which had reached nearly ten years.

Mashhour was a former member of the security apparatus and the fifth General Guide (leader) of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

The proposal was divided into five main sections directly related to the Brotherhood, which are the idea of global organization, its goals, means, the negatives of work in the past period, suggestions and recommendations.

As for the means section, the Brotherhood adopted the strategy of its founder Hassan El-Banna that was based on the following;

  1. Studying the surroundings, identifying the problem and its treatment.
  2. Determining the strategic goals of the Brotherhood.
  3. Identifying means to change; whether directly (i.e. revolution, coup or constitutional struggle), or indirectly (i.e. public work and promoting the idea).
  4. Establishing the necessary wings for the Brotherhood to aid the change process (i.e. Special Apparatus and Military Wing).


About one year later, the Egyptian security services stormed Salsabil Company, which was the first and largest computer company in Egypt.

Salsabil was founded by Khairat al-Shater, deputy supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Al-Shater’s interest in upgrading the performance of the group drove him to form a unit for administrative development, which provided training in time and strategic management.

Security services had concluded that Al-Shater, through Salsabil, had tried to infiltrate the country’s security services to obtain information related to national security. 

When security forces stormed the company's headquarters, they seized what was known at the time as the "Empowerment Plan", as mentioned in the case that carried No. 87 of 1992.

The empowerment plan consisted of 13 papers and was considered the most dangerous document by the Muslim Brotherhood.

It firmly focuses on the group's plan to seize the ruling; Because the meaning of “empowerment” as the document says, is the willingness to bear the tasks of the future and possess the ability to manage the affairs of the state.

The document also mentioned political parties and pressure groups, which it described as professional unions, family and tribal gatherings, international organizations, and human rights organizations. 

The document specified methods of dealing with these groups and parties by infiltrating them first, then controlling their decisions and directing them from within, or seeking to find common interests with them.

Moreover, the document pointed out what it mentioned as "political Islam groups", which agree with the group's vision and plan. It stressed dealing with them with full containment, coordination, and cooperation.

The document indicates very clearly the importance of the Brotherhood's penetration into the active institutions of society, including army and police institutions.

It aimed at fulfilling the message of the Brotherhood, ensuring an availability of continuity, preparing for future tasks, and raising the efficiency of the Brotherhood.

The case papers continued to circulate for about eleven months, during which the state was struggling with violence groups across the country, as the idea was the expose all the elements of the organization and its plans.

The comprehensive confrontation decision was not yet taken, which prompted the release of all those arrested in connection with the case at the time, provided that they will be dealt with at the appropriate time.