Wednesday 22 January 2025

From the archive of Abdelrahim Ali

Years of confrontation (6)

Abdelrehim Aly

Abdelrahim Ali appointed as terrorism affairs advisor for al-Arabiya channel

I often think deeply when I come across terms, such as 'expert', 'consultant' or 'specialist'.

I realize that behind these qualities there is a difficult path, a history of research, knowledge, confrontation, examination, scrutiny and coexistence. This is why we have an obligation not to give these names to people who do not deserve them.

Abdelrahim Ali started from scratch as a researcher, a reader and a fighter and then became an expert, an analyst, a visionary and someone whose writing is always revealing. 

Ali's prophecies usually materialize and this is why he is at the center of attention for a large number of television channels. 

Terrorism affairs and political Islam advisor for al-Arabiya channel

Al-Arabiya channel has always been a distinguished media that seeks to hire talents as advisors, analysts and specialists in specific files. 

The channel did well when it sought to hire Ali. Then-head of al-Arabiya channel, noted Saudi writer Abdelrahman al-Rashed met Ali briefly at the Meridian Hotel in Cairo. He convinced Ali to work as an advisor on terrorism affairs and political Islam movements for the channel. 

This made Ali one of the most outstanding commentators on the channel which is closely watched by the leaders of al-Qaeda, including Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. This turned the channel into a dagger piercing the chest of the organization. This was especially so when Ali released his new encyclopedia about al-Qaeda organization, 'Terrorism Alliance' which came in four parts. 

Ali appeared almost on a daily basis on al-Arabiya and wrote regularly for Ahram and Asharq al-Awsat newspapers. He joined two other writers who wrote for the region's most widely read newspapers, namely Ahram and the London-based Asharq al-Awsat. These two writers were Fahmi Howeidi and Abdel Monem Said. 

However, Ali added to all this his constant clashes in online forums, in which he attacked al-Qaeda and its leaders, revealing the corruption of their approach.

Here it was necessary for al-Qaeda to have a decision against him by calling for his assassination. The organization even determined the method of assassination to be by cutting the neck. 

Here the matter became extremely dangerous. Al-Qaeda, which invaded many points in the world, most notably America, issued its decision to assassinate, and before this public threat. Ali had received several threats, including via e-mail, but he did not pay attention to any of these threats. 

Nonetheless, this time attention was a duty. Immediately, the Freedoms Committee of the Journalists Syndicate issued a statement (on October 24, 2007), in which it declared full solidarity with Ali.

"Resorting to violence and threatening to use force against pen holders is completely unacceptable," the committee said in its statement which was signed by journalist Yahya Kalash who was the union's secretary-general at the time. 

A large number of Egyptian and Arab newspapers followed this incident, including al-Ahram newspaper which singled out a full page on November 3, 2007, for a lengthy interview with Ali.

The interview was conducted by journalist and writer Mohamed Donia. It had this headline: 'Abdelrahim Ali: Threats by al-Qaeda not to scare me away from uncovering its scandals'.

Ali submitted a report containing all threats to the Ministry of the Interior, which promised to arrange full security and protection for him. 

He also decided to release an encyclopedia that uncovers the crimes of al-Qaeda with the necessary documentation for those crimes.

Ali wanted this encyclopedia to be irrefutable evidence against this organization. 

Ali moves ahead on his journey of struggle, fully confident and full of belief in his thoughts. He believes in his country that looks forward to having a better future, one does not have terrorism, extremism or edicts calling for the killing of those who are different.